
March 7, 2010

I’m still deep into edits. I have one more week before I need to return the manuscript to my editor. I’m doing some rather major restructuring as she asked me to add another scene regarding an important plot point.

It’s proving to be quite challenging and instructive at the same time. I tend to think of any piece of writing I create as being organic. Meaning that everything, whether it’s plot, characters, dialogue, scenes, structure, description, theme, word choice, sentence structure, even the sex scenes I write for erotica, should flow together as seamlessly as possible and reflect the other elements of the story.

At least, that’s the ideal I’m aiming for. Not saying I achieve that smooth organic flow of all those fictional elements but I try. 🙂

But if I have to, for some reason, put in something new, as in this case a new scene and a major plot point, it’s going to affect the rest of the story. Some elements are affected more than others but it’s definitely requiring a few significant changes regarding the characters—if not so much the overall plot—and some minor tweaking here and there.

So I’m learning more about craft while doing it and in my book that’s always a good thing!

And with that, I shall get back to it. 🙂

Ciao for now!